This blog is an archive of learning between 2009 and 2016. Comments have been disabled.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It's the holidays!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Our Class MOTAT Recount
Wow! I was so excited when I woke up in the morning. Do you know why? Today we were going on a trip to MOTAT – Museum of Transport and Technology.
Miss Walters had explained to us last week that we were going to MOTAT because it fitted in with our ‘Celebration’ topic. Lucky Rooms 12 and 13 both got to go to MOTAT together on Tuesday the 1st of December, 2009. We travelled there on a bendy bus because it is quite far away from Pt England School.
After half an hour or so, our bus ride came to an end. We had finally reached our destination. As we assembled outside the gates we were greeted by a lady, called Catherine. She took us to the place we would play on the black locomotive (train) and eat our morning tea and lunch.
Room 13 got into their groups with their adult helper and made there way down to the sports exhibition, there were lots of activities. We also explored some of the other areas in the same building. This lasted for about half an hour or so, it was so much fun because it was very interactive.
Next we went to the tram stop and waited for the tram to arrive. When we got on it the tram driver got off and we wondered if we would even go for a ride, but thank goodness he came back. He talked to us about the tram and told us that it come all the way from Melbourne in Australia. It was so much fun, we went all the way past the Zoo to MOTAT 2 where the aeroplanes are and back again.
Finally it was to time to go into the classroom with Catherine. We learnt all about Christmas in New Zealand from the past to the present. Decorating the Christmas trees and looking at old Christmas cards was cool. The best part was making a chocolate lollipop to give away as a gift. It was so tempting to eat it ourselves! Luckily it was a lunch time so we could eat something else to stop us thinking about Chocolate.
After lunch we had an hour left to explore all of MOTAT and play some olden day games. We played tug of war, elastics, skipping and stilts. The stilts were so much fun but they were tricky to do, that was until Miss Walters should us her special tip.
By the end of the day we were hot and tired. Some people even fell asleep on the bus ride home. Overall it was a fantastic day filled with lots of excitement, laughter and learning. You should go their one day and experience all that MOTAT has to offer when you get the chance.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
We went there to learn about how we celebrate Christmas in New Zealand and to compare how we celebrate Christmas now compared to the past.
Here is our MOTAT photo album - We will have a recount telling you all about our day for you soon!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Immersion Assembly Animations
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Delicious Chocolate!
Kit Kat
Long, crunchy
Biting, sucking, tasting
Take a break and eat a Kit Kat
By Vivienne
Soft, sticky
Spreading, melting, mouth watering
Chocolate is celebrated at Easter time.
Chocolate Eggs
By Dante
Freddo Frog
Thick, tasty
Licking, biting, eating
I like it when the chocolate melts in my mouth.
By Nova
Scrumptious, hard
Icing, mouth watering, spreading
Chocolate tastes sweet.
Block of chocolate
By Oshania
Crumbs, lumpy
Biting, eating, melting
Sometimes the flake comes apart.
Chocolate bar
By Te Rina
Tasty, hard
Melting, licking, sucking
Crunchie is my favourite because it is golden inside.
Chocolate bar
By Mary
Brown, sticky
Biting, chewing, melting
Chocolates make good treats
Chocolate bar
By Makalita
Delicious, soft
Smelling, mouth watering, sucking
Chocolate is a celebration treat.
Block of chocolate
By Osana
Bumby, hard
Biting, tasting, eating
Picnic is my favourite treat.
Chocolate bar
By Alexandria
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Vivienne's Recount
Vivienne called it; Milo Rices Breakfast
How exciting! I knew what we were writing about, but when I saw the milo I had to think again. My friend said "What are we writing about?" I said to my friend "lets figure it out together".
This morning at 9am we had writing with Miss Walters. Miss Walters always thinks of crazy things to write about. She explained to us what silly thing we would be doing today. It was really silly and crazy.
First Miss Walters told us what she did in the weekend. She was thinking hard. Miss Walters said "I was sitting on my bed thinking, what are we going to write about on Tuesday? It could be anything but we should write about breakfast, but not a normal breakfast. A crazy breakfast like Rices with Milo".
Next she said she would be our waitress. She gave all of us a bowl and some milo and milk to sitr together in our bowl. Then the Rices came. When everyone was finished she explained to all of us that we had to smell it, listen to it and the best bit was tasting it.
We finally got to eat it all. When I took my first bite it tasted scrumptious. It sounded like popcorn popping, like pop! pop! pop!
After that we had to wash up. First we rinsed our bowls and then washed it in the washing bucket which was also known as the vomit bucket last week.
Later we started to write about what happened to us. It was really cool. I asked my friend "What other crazy ideas does she have next?"
I felt surprised about what we were going to be writing about. I also felt sorry for the people who didn't have any breakfast but they were happy because they had a delcious breakfast today.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Cinquain Poems
Here are the first two, let us know what you think by leaving us a comment.
Heavy, nervous
Throwing, playing, exciting
I can throw the shot put far.
Physical Education
By Oshania
High, quick
Jumping, running, landing
My favourite event was the high jump.
By Huleo-ata
Sentences about the Manaiakalani Film Festival
The part I liked the best was when Room fives movie from Pt England School came on because they were doing all the Michael Jackson moves (even some of the teachers)
This morning everyone was excited about the film festival. So many classes from our school had made movies for it.
Te Rina
The most memorable part about this morning was all of the children cheering when each film was about to start.
Today was a day to remember because we had a film festival and it only happens once a year.
Manaiakalani Film Festival
To view the movies for yourself go to
and click on '2009 Manaiakalani Film Festival'.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Athletics 2009
We have put together some photos to show what went on from 9.15am to 2.45pm. Tomorrow for writing we will tell you more about it but in the meantime if you have any questions about today please leave us comment.
Monday, November 9, 2009
About Pt England School
This is just a sample of what we do. You really need to visit all the blogs from each Pt England Class to see how amazing we all are and while your there why don't you leave us a comment :)
Rising Stars says THANK-YOU
It has been amazing to read your comments and reflect on them. Your comments have definitely prompted a lot of discussions this morning. So we are putting together a movie for you to watch so you can hear some of our responses to your comments.
Once again thank you and we look forward to reading the comments you leave us in the future.
Love the Rising Stars children
Writing in Room 13
Friday, November 6, 2009
Topic Update
Well as you know we have been learning about Diwali and we have also learnt a little about Easter and Thanksgiving. At the moment we have been learning about Japanese Boys day and Japanese Girls day. Not to mention it will be Christmas before we know it! Christmas in New Zealand is a lovely time of the year, as it is summer time so there are always people having fun at the beach and it is BBQ season.
What are some of your favourite family traditions to do when celebrating a special occasion?
Monday, November 2, 2009
Our Rangoli Art
First we choose a rangoli pattern to copy, it had to be symmetrical. Then once we had copied it onto our piece of cardboard and coloured it in using bright wax crayons.
Next we used the coloured dye of our choice to cover all the cardboard.
For the last step Miss Walters mixed black indian ink with PVA glue in a bottle so we could go around our pattern.
Watch our movie to see the end product!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Immersion Assembly Animations
Stay tuned for some more Immersion Assembly animations!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Crazy Biscuit Faces
Miss Walters did silly faces to us! She was poking tongues at us. I thought that we were going to do silly faces to.
First Miss Walters gave me a biscuit. Then I put on the icing sugar with a spoon.
I made the eyes and nose with M and M's. I got the snake lolly and put it on my funny biscuit. I ate the left overs.
By Vanessa, Michael and Alex
Friday, October 23, 2009
Crazy Biscuit Faces
We would love you to leave us a comment or even ask us a question and we will do our best to answer it.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
blind Food Tasting
We had to use our noses and tastebuds to try and guess what food we were eating because we had blindfolds on. Below are some of our best sentences.
I was so scared to taste the food. I asked myself what are we going to taste? Makalita
Then I saw the vomit bucket on the table. I felt nervous.
I saw a sign that said ‘Blind Taste Testing’. I was wondered what it meant.
It was our first time having a blind taste test it was a great experience.
We waited patiently for the food. I was getting ready for some tasting. Jesiah
Then I ate the second food sample and I said “It’s YUCK!” Dillon
I tasted the first one it kind of made me sick and I almost vomited, it tasted sour. Heather I felt great and so did my tastebuds, they really had an adventure! Vivienne
Celebrating Diwali
Keep a look out to see our completed Rangoli patterns, we will be sure to post lots of photos!
Monday, October 19, 2009
What are we doing for writing today?
Stay tuned for some of our 'gem' sentences to go with these photos.
Making Tea
Friday, October 16, 2009
Immersion Assembly
Our Immersion Assembly Recount is all done ready for you to read. We each wrote a different part and then put it together to make 1 recount.
On Monday the 12th of October, we came back to school for term 4. When the bell rang we lined up outside and walked to the hall in single file.
Then we could smell a familiar summer smell, it was a BBQ full of sausages! We also heard the song ‘Celebration’ playing and we started to sing along. Mr Burt and his BBQ boys were cooking the sausages and chicken wings for those who sat up nicely. Mr Burt also talked about our topic for this term, it was called ‘Let’s Celebrate! Food Glorious Food!’
We waited for some action to happen. Team one were up first, they pretended that they were from The Rock Café. Each of them were all wearing matching outfits and aprons. Next was Mrs She who showed us her Chinese dress and Ms Glaze showed us her cool chef pants. They could undo really fast in case they caught on fire. Then Team 3 came up, they were dressed as Mexicans and Miss Walters was holding a piñata, it looked like heaps of fun! Miss Walters and Miss MacKinlay were hitting the piñata so hard that it broke and lollies spilled out everywhere. The last team to come up was team 4. They wore outfits from around the world and talked about food from that country.
At the end we headed off to class, that was such an exciting way to start off the term. We can’t wait to learn about all the different kinds of celebrations.
Birthday Balloons!
What we would like to know is what your favourite birthday party food is?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Celebrations & Festivals
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Let's Celebrate!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Term 4 is Here!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Term 4 is Nearly Here!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
We Miss You!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Term 3 Holidays
So watch this space! We have put together a photo album of this term so we could share some of our favourite memories with you.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Jack & the Beanstalk
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
The Fantails group have had some big debates about whether or not Goldilocks is a good person or not. Richard and Makalita think she was naughty because she went inside the bears house without permission. However the rest of the group believe that she wasn't thinking and forgot her manners for a little bit, but she was sorry.
What do you think?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Heremaia's Animation
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Fairytale Animations
Monday, September 14, 2009
How To Make A Crown
We all know that Kings and Queens wear crowns.
The Tuis group got to make their own crowns and then for writing they wrote instructions so you can make your own.
How to make a crown
By the Tuis
You will need:
A pair of sisscors
A piece of cardboard
A little bit of PVA Glue
A pencil
A stapler
Some decorations like glitter, jewels and feathers
What to do:
1. Draw a crown shape on the piece of cardboard.
2. Cut out the crown shape carefully.
3. Add your decorations using the glue to help it stick.
4. Let the glue dry.
5. Pull the sides of your crown together and staple so it becomes a crown.
6. Wear your beautiful crown!
After we wrote our instructions we also got to write a recount. Here are some of our favourite sentences.
The Tuis got to make crowns with Mrs Mitchell. By Sain
We made our crowns because our topic is about Fairytales. Queens and kings like to wear crowns. By Michael
We had to get cardboard, scissors, PVA glue and decorations like glitter, sequins and feathers. Miss Walters got the decorations from the $2 Shop. By Alex
“My favourite part was the glitter because it was very messy.” Sain
“I liked having my photo taken” Alex
“Choosing the decorations was fun, there was a lot to choose.” Michael
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fairytale Characters: Who Am I? Part 2
We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you & don't forget to leave us a comment! (That is how we will know you enjoyed it)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Girl Named Isabella

Once upon a time their lived a girl named Isabella. It was such a nice day she decided that she would go for a walk in the enchanted forest. When she was walking she was wondering what was in the tower she could see afar. She went over there to take a closer look at the tower.
Suddenly, scary, old women told her that there was a wicked old queen in the tower. She had a mole on her nose and she had long hair but it was white, like an old ladies hair. The wicked queen saw Isabella and said, “Hey girl, what are you doing here?” Isabella replied “nothing” and so the old wicked queen dragged her into the tower.
Isabella started to cry. The wicked queen told her “you can be my prisoner!” then she laughed like a troll. She walked out and slammed the door behind her, which made Isabella fall onto the hard ground. The wicked old queen walked down the windy wooden stairs still laughing like a troll.
One day a prince came past the tower and heard a lullaby coming from the tower but he kept on going past. When Isabella was singing she saw 7 little dwarfs out her window. Isabella yelled, “Help me, help me!” The 7 little dwarfs looked at each other and said, “Who is that yelling at us?” “Its me, I’m up here”. Then the dwarfs looked up and said, “how did you get up there?” Isabella replied “the wicked queen came and dragged me up here and there’s no way out”.
The next morning the 7 dwarfs went to the prince’s castel and told him what had happened. He came with his knights and he had a white cute horse called Farty. When he was at the tower, he yelled out “Isabella, where are you?” she looked outside and saw his handsome face, “Oh help me please help me get down from here” Isabella cried. He got a rope and threw it up and she came down.
When the got back to the castle they got married and had 2 babies. And they lived happily ever after and no one heard from the wicked queen ever again.
By Nova and Mary
Monday, September 7, 2009
Animation Update!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Jack and Jill
We drew our pictures on Pixelmator, made our own iMovie and did our voiceovers by ourselves.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fairytale Characters: Who Am I? Part 1
Together they wrote the clues and made this iMovie. So sit back, relax and see if you can guess which character they are talking about.
This was only the beginning, so stay tuned for part 2!
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Evil Queen

Once upon a time, there lived an evil queen called Osana and her kind husband. They lived in a haunted castle. The evil queen and her kind husband had a baby princess named Emma.
The years went pass and the baby grew. Emma had a beautiful voice. The evil queen had a plan to get rid of Emma.
So one day she told Emma to go for a walk into the forest. Suddenly Emma heard and saw enchanted trees talking to each other, the princess was so frightened she screamed at the top of her lungs. The evil queen heard Emma screaming and got really angry because she realised Emma hadn’t disappeared like she had hoped. The evil queen shouted for her dragon to come immediately. When the dragon came she said, “I heard a voice from the dark forest, I want you to go and make sure Emma never comes back!” The evil queen laughed at her wicked plan. So the evil queen ran upstairs and made a smelly potion in a big, hot pot. After she made her potion she took a little spoon and took a sip “just right to put Emma to sleep forever” she screeched. Emma’s friend Alice, a bluebird saw the evil queen turning into a witch! She flapped her wings and freaked out. She was going to tell Emma but it was to late because the dragon had already found out where Emma was staying. Emma was trapped in a cottage with a smelly troll who kept her in a dungeon, which was always locked. Emma could only come out when it was time for her to prepare the trolls meals. The dragon flew back to inform the evil queen. “What great news” said the evil queen as she laughed to herself, now knowing that she didn’t have to bother with Emma again! One day a handsome prince was riding through the forest when he quite hungry because it was nearly lunchtime. He saw the cottage and decided to stop to see if he could grab something to eat. When the prince knocked on the door he was greeted by Emma, “can I help you sir?” said Emma. The prince was amazed at her natural beauty and said, “I am quite hungry, could I please have something to eat?” Suddenly the troll was not so angry that Emma was talking to the prince he ordered her to shut the door, so she did. The next day the prince could not stop thinking about the girl he saw. That night the prince ordered his knights to go and rescue the girl who was in a cottage in the middle of the forest.
Emma was rescued and married the prince a week later. They soon had their own baby who they loved dearly.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Incy Wincy Spider
Our group experimented when doing our voice recording, so have a listen and let us know what you think!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Jack and the Beanstalk
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Princess who was trapped in the Tower
The Princess who was trapped in the Tower
By Heather and Mary
Long, long ago their lived a kind king and queen who had a baby girl. They called their princess Bella because she was born with beautiful long, golden hair.
One day there was a wicked witch who stole princess Bella and looked after her for 15 years. Then when she was older the witch locked her in a high tower with no stairs, it only had a tiny window.
A few years later Bella’s hair grew longer and longer each day. There was a prince called Jack and one day he heard a beautiful voice coming from a tall tower. Prince Jack decided to follow the voice and he discovered it was princess trapped in a tower.
The evil witch came and prince Jack quickly hid behind the ancient talking tree, prince Jack heard the witch shout, “Bella let down your long golden hair”. When the prince heard the princesses name prince Jack knew that it was Bella’s voice he had heard.
Then when the witch went away the prince called for his knights.
The wicked witch came out of the forest when she heard all the commotion. She saw the prince with his knights under the tower looking at Bella’s long, golden hair.
Suddenly a beautiful unicorn came and stabbed the witch with its pointy horn. Next princess Bella cried with joy for the unicorn to catch her as she jumped out of the window. As the unicorn landed on the forest floor, princess Bella and the prince gazed into each other’s eyes.
Jack asked princess Bella to marry him and of course she said yes! The prince lifted her up onto his horse and lived happily ever after in their kingdom. The end.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Mythical Creatures
Friday, August 28, 2009
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Special Report: Cross Country
All the writing groups had a part in creating this recount for you. So we hope you enjoy it and leave us a comment.

Once upon a time, there were knights fighting year after year to stop the fire-breathing dragon. The dragon was dark red with bony wings and a strong body with a long and sharp tail. He lived in a haunted castle that was deep in the forest.
Inside the castle there was a baby and a chest full of silver and gold inside it. The knights were risking their lives to fight the dragon because they wanted that chest for themselves.
The knights never gave up fighting the dragon even though they kept losing. But one day someone defeated the dragon! The knight was dripping with blood but managed to crawl inside the castle. He came across the baby who was now a strong monster and destroyed the whole kingdom including the knight who killed the dragon.
A king from another kingdom heard what had happened and sent his knights to fight the monster. Knights went charging towards the monster on their horses and spears went flying. In the end the knights lost the battle and gave up. The monster built his own castle with a high fence so he would never be attacked again.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
New Zealand's Master Storyteller & Artist
Check out our movie to find out all about it!
"I enjoyed Stu because he was funny and cool. I liked his amazing picture, I wish I could have kept it." Alexandria
"What I liked about Stu wa that he made up such an interesting story." Te Rina
"My favourtie part about Stu's story was that it had a unicorn in it with a gold horn." Jasmine
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Cross Country Training
We had to write clear sentences to answer Miss Walters questions so they were easy for our audience (you) to understand.
When do we do cross-country training?
We train most mornings but mostly Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s.
By Eleva
Why are we training?
We are practicing so we are ready to do our best for the real cross-country.
By sam
We have to practice a lot because it is our school cross-country on the 20th of August.
By Shadin
What do you need to do cross-country training?
Having good running shoes helps because you might cut your feet on glass or rocks.
By Eleva
Where do you run for your cross-country training?
We run outside the school and go down to the reserve. On our way back we go past the classes.
By Billy
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Old Mother Hubbard
Don't forget to leave us a comment. Do you think our animations were detailed?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time Little Red went to visit her grandmother. There were dark frightening shadows in the forest. Little Red picked wild flowers to poison the angry bad wolf. A big hungry wolf was looking at the basket of goodies. Little Red gave the evil wolf wild flowers to poison him. The evil big bad wolf ate the wild flowers and he got sick. He started to wobble and fell down onto the ground. Little Red got out a knife from her basket and stabbed him in the heart. The blood came out and next she cut open his stomach. Out came granny from the wolf’s stomach.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Super Stitching
My picture is of the straw house from the fairytale The 3 Little Pigs "I enjoyed learning the running stitch because it was the easiest." Vivienne
I stitched the axe from the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk because that part of the story is my favourite. "The best part about our topic is that I have learnt to sew." Carlos
Here is a photo of me with my stitching of a pig from the fairytale The 3 Little Pigs. "The hardest part about stitching is threading the wool through the needle eye." Shadin
Did you guess that mine was the apple from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? It is my favourite fairytale beacause it has a lot of interesting parts in the story. "I found the blanket stitch the most challenging to do." Dante
Doing the Gingerbread Man made Miss Walters hungry. Do you like eating gingerbread men? I do ecspecially if it is decorated with lollies! "I'm enjoying our topic this term because I have been learning about so many different characters." Mary
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Baa Baa Blacksheep
The Parrots group were learning about the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Blacksheep.
We have been learning to put together our own iMovies with voice overs.
Please comment and let us know what you think about our movie.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Our Favourite Fairytales

Britney's favourites fairytale is Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.

Thomas likes the giant from the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk.

This is Eleva's Kidpix drawing of her favourite fairytale, Cinderella.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Term 3 The Art in Storytelling
Let us know what you think by leaving us a comment!
(You might even like to give us some ideas for our class story that Nova and Logan started for us)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Maori New Year
Matariki is a group of seven stars, it is also known as Pleiades. Most people know Matariki as the traditional Maori New Year. Matariki has two meanings; Tiny Eyes or Eyes of God.
When and Where can you see Matariki?
Matariki can be seen just before sunrise in late May or early June. This indicates the end of one year and the beginning of a new year. Some people believe that if Matariki is easily seen then it is going to a good new year.
This is only a tiny amount of information we read about Matariki on the internet and in books! Go to your local library to research Matariki more or use a search engine on the internet.
Let us now what you found out – Knowledge is Power!
From the Moreporks
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Monarch Butterfly
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Playing with a Yo-Yo
Check out our Yo-Yo movie and let us know if you can think of any other words that start with the letter 'Y'.
Can you do any tricks using a Yo-Yo?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dancing Dinosaurs
What part of our recount movie did you like?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Delicious Cupcakes
Monday, April 6, 2009
Since they knew so much information, Miss Walters decided to get a class pet and guess what they their new pet is! A goldfish called Nemo.
Do you know how to look after goldfish?
What do you like about sunflowers?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Don't Eat Me!
Can you think of any other creative ways to eat your fruit and vegetables?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Have you ever had a delicious Hangi?
Check out the website to learn all about how a Hangi is built!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Lunch Box Heroes!
The Parrots group have been investigating what makes a Lunch Box Hero.
Check out their movie to see if you are a Lunch Box Hero.
Do you know why it is important to have a healthy lunch?
Friday, March 13, 2009
They each selected 3 photos to practise writing sentences that make sense.
What flavour popcorn do you like best?
The Letter 'G'
We think of as many words as we can beginning with that letter, then we write a story about one of those words.
This week our letter was "G".
Can you think of an other words that begin with the leter"G"