
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our trip to Maungakiekie

Here are some photos of our trip to Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill).
The sun was shining and we had a wonderful time.


  1. Hi, What a fantastic trip. I can tell this because of your beautiful smiles in the photos. Was it hard work climbing up?
    I think rolling down the slopes must have been the best fun.
    What a beautiful day for a trip.
    What was your favourite part of the trip?

  2. You were so lucky to get a perfect day for your visit to Maungakiekie. You must be fit to do the walk up and then play in the crater!

  3. Wow room 13,looks like you guys had fun. Lucky it was a great day.It would have been the perfect weather for you ,unlike team 4.
    Keep up the great work.


  4. Hi Room 13,
    I liked watching your movie about One Tree Hill. Did you know the Moari name for One Tree Hill
    is Maungakiekie?
    From Mary in room 10


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